To fill the gap between podcasts I'm going to throw out a few ideas that Ive had for a little while and ask if you think any would be good. Would anyone out there be interested in a mini review or something with me ranting and raving for around 30 minutes every week to fill the gap between podcasts? I could also answer questions you guys submit in the comments section and e-mails so maybe I can combine the two.
If you have any questions you want answered on either the podcast or whatever the hell this Frankenstein project is that i'm working on, please, e-mail us at:, or E-mail me directly at

Phone Call From the President Mr. Wingzrow: Kid's don't let them fancy animes with their pan the character across the screen for 30 minutes and two mouth lip sync fool you. Animation is hard.
Thank you,
That'd be cool. I'm always looking for more podcasting content. If you're doing it every week or so maybe you should alternate every other week, so one week would be gaming related and the next could be animation related. I dunno if that made sense. It's early and I'm "typing" on my Wii.
Do it! I would actually look forward to hearing that!
Wow, all that on your Wii? I'm impressed. Even when I needed to contact Phil and all I had was my Wii on my trip to keep in touch I barely wrote that much. Now THAT's commitment.
Eh, it's all I have for the most part. If the new Internet channel upgrade has Flash 9/10 I won't need a computer anymore!
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